An Integrative Approach to Movement Education and Life Coaching:

Engage in life with your body as designed 
while pursuing what your heart intends. 

I help people feeling
stuck, stressed, and in pain,
who are yearning for more satisfaction in life, 
as well as freedom in the body,
to disentangle from their present culture
and realign to their true nature.

I then provide support in navigating toward that life they innately know is right for them
so that, in day-to-day living, they experience more purpose, freedom, and joy.

You’ve tried conventional fitness…however:

  • You feel like you don’t fit in…

  • You’ve lost your enthusiasm…

  • Aches, pains, and injuries keep holding you back from engaging in your activities.

You’ve tried conforming to the rules of culture… but: 

  • You’re feeling a lack of purpose…

  • There’s a larger dream for you lingering in the back of your mind…

  • You’re feeling stagnant or stuck in a life that isn’t quite right… 

You’re experiencing a shift: 

  • Aging is causing you to reevaluate how you relate to your body…

  • What inspired you before isn’t having the same effect…

  • Or life events are challenging you to change… 

And yet,
you find yourself yearning:

To feel at home and confident in your body. 

To move more freely and with less pain. 

To live more fully feeling inspired in your daily life.

To navigate change with more ease and flow.

To feel confident building the life you desire. 

Your Physical Freedom and Life’s Calling are waiting:

In these movement and life coaching programs, Functional Alignment with Natural Movement skills help you move freely, while life coaching (social science principles, spiritual techniques, as well as psychological tools) helps you navigate your way toward a life of purpose, freedom, and joy. 

I’m a Coach for Integrating Movement and Life. 

I’ve been working in the field of coaching and training for over 15 years with a passion for Life Coaching, Natural Movement, Restorative Exercise, and Meditation.

I help people root into that unique expression of themselves, because, by aligning to your essential self, you facilitate more easeful, pain-free movement in your body as well as more purpose and joy in your life. 

I currently live in the Hudson Valley of New York and lead programs both live and online. 

Hi, I’m Patrick

When you move better, you feel better…
When your body, mind, and lifestyle align toward the life you envision,
You can take more confident strides forward.

To Align is to Connect…

your body with all its parts in movement

your lifestyle with your Essential Self

your present direction with the life you intend


A lign Bravely,
o Move Freely,
nd Live Fully
n Your True

What are these guiding principles? →

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