
Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan

Your Personal “El Guapo”

“In a way, all of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be the actual El Guapo!”

- Lucky Day from the movie, Three Amigos

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Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan

Does your neck hurt?

Where do you carry your tension? You may have a consistent nagging or even acute pain in that area. You've tried massage, Physical Therapy, acupuncture, stretching, and those can all be useful, but do you feel like you’re never solving the problem? You may have resigned to the belief that “there’s nothing I can do.”

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Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan

When you hesitate, dial in your willingness to feel...

Even when you know the outcome will be positive, there’s something about changing our state (whether it’s mental, emotional, or our literal physical posture) that can be so hard. So what do we do to take that first step?

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Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan

To Leap or Not to Leap... Why does it Matter?

Have you ever stood at the edge of a cliff or on a diving board? You wanted to go there. You can see the water below. You want to be in that cool, sparkling water… 

But you just can’t seem to make yourself take the leap…

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life coaching, Alignment, Philosophy, change cycle Patrick Hogan life coaching, Alignment, Philosophy, change cycle Patrick Hogan

Before You Ask "What's Next?" Remember these practices... (Stage 4 of the Change Cycle)

Many of us are so conditioned to the stress and striving and vigilant nature of working toward a goal, that we don’t know what to do with it when we get there. The tendency might be to doubt our accomplishments or to jump right ahead to “What’s Next?”- which leads us to feel empty and directionless. 

So, even though you’ve reached the promised land, as it were, you may need a little practice at being in this phase.

Here’s a couple practices to remember: 

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change cycle, Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan change cycle, Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan

When It's "One Damn Thing After Another" Here's what to do...

…you have a vision of where you’d like to go, and you have even developed a plan for getting there… Then, seemingly from the outset of your journey, as Winston Churchill would say “It’s just one damn thing after another.”

Realizing you’ve entered Phase Three of the Change Cycle can be a useful shift in perspective to keep you going.

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Success - a moment in time or a way of living?

Have you ever felt bad about not following through on your health goals? 

It’s one of the most common experiences when we resolve to make a change. (Remember your new year’s resolutions?? ) You take a step forward, then slide right back to where you started. 

What happens next? 

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Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan

Are You a Shark?

You know, in the water a shark would clearly swim faster than me. However, on land, I would definitely outrun a shark.

Why is it that we can be fit in some ways but not in others?

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