The Case for a Movement Rich Lifestyle

We know by now that we need "exercise" to be healthy.
We may have even heard the phrase, "Exercise is Medicine."
But when do we need medicine? When we're sick or when something is out of balance...

It's helpful to look at why your system is out of balance in the first place. Otherwise, we end up recreating our poor health outcomes through old patterns and behaviors over and over without ever truly resolving the issue.

In this video, we discuss how looking at our movement lifestyle might be the key to living a healthier life with a happier body. Just like a diet with whole, nutritious foods - Creating a lifestyle that incorporates movement of our whole body on a regular basis is what will keep us healthy for life. Exercise, just like vitamin supplements, is helpful, but it can't nourish our bodies to the extent that consistent and varied movement can if practiced throughout our day.

For more coaching, classes, and courses on learning how to develop better movement habits throughout your life, contact me for a Physical Freedom and Life Coaching consultation


Strategies for Building a Movement Rich Lifestyle


Contending with the Warrior (Part 4)