Wellness Farmer Podcast - Natural Movement

Podcast Episode Summary:

One of the reasons I love to be in nature and work in the garden, remember the garden is an edge of nature, is because of all the movements and positions that I can put myself into. Those movements and positions keep my body flexible and strong.

I can shovel hundreds or even thousands of pounds of dirt in a couple of hours or I can squat all the way down and poke little holes in the ground planting seeds and all these movements and positions keep me strong and flexible.

Don’t miss this episode with Patrick Hogan where we get into what is natural movement and why it is so important for our health and well-being.

One of the nuggets of knowledge I got was that our bodies adapt to the positions we place them, the more we are in certain positions that are not natural the more our body has to adapt to them eventually causing as imbalance in muscle tone.  This bit of knowledge is so important. I talk about this at a cellular level but it never dawned on me that the positions we place ourselves the majority of the time also causes stress and eventually illness.

What positions are you in most of the day?

Enjoy this episode and share it because this stuff is just too important not to.


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Radio Renard - Sleep positions and home movement