Let's get together and walk the length of Manhattan from Inwood Hill Park down to Battery Park!
As a movement teacher, I'm learning more about walking as a fundamental movement for which we as a society are losing our capability. Sure, especially in Manhattan, we walk all the time! But how we walk, can either lead to more pain and discomfort or more ease and joy of movement. Plus, long distance walking is a skill of its own that can be mastered through practice. So, let's take a walk, and if you're interested, we can talk about variables of walking gait, restorative exercises to help us along, and how shoes affect all of this.
The whole distance is around 13.5 miles and may take around 5-6 hours (maybe less depending on our pace). But feel free to drop off at any distance along the way. Plus, we'll take breaks and maybe grab a beer and a bite at "pier i cafe" around 72nd street.
I'm planning to walk this entirely barefoot! Not only because this is my preferred way of walking, but I'd like to bring more awareness to minimalist footwear and our body's need to mobilize all parts of itself, including the toes and joints of the foot. But please wear whatever footwear you're most comfortable with!
Be sure to bring water!
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