Feet Straight

Walking with the feet pointing straight ahead will help with the health of the bones of the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back all the way up the body. Many of us have developed a turn out of the foot which can bypass using the calf muscles and affect the function of the hips as well as cause deterioration of all the joints up the body. A neutral alignment of the feet is when the outer edges of the feet point forward and create parallel lines to each other. This may seem very pigeon-toed to many people, but over time your feet and toes will adjust and it will seem natural. However, our joints have adapted to a certain way of walking over a lifetime and to force yourself to walk with neutral feet may put strain on your joints if you try to do it perfectly right away. Instead, while walking, just think of your feet as turning slightly inward or your heels as pushing slightly outward to progress toward neutral over time. Then while standing, practice finding a fully straight forward, neutral foot.

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Foot Alignment copy.jpg

Hips Over Heels


Vertical Legs & Relaxed Quads