Walking Meditation 1: Awareness from Head to Toe
Walking is a time honored form of meditation. One aspect of meditation and a large component of this course is the development of self-awareness. So, in this session, let's take a walk and simply observe our body, how we walk, what parts of us move or don't move, and how we interact with the ground, our environment and ourselves.
Feet Pelvis Width
Learning to stand with a vertical leg where there hips rest over the heels is an important alignment cue to help release the tension of the fronts of the thighs and knee joints, to engage the backside of the legs for better balance and walking, and it helps load the bones of the hips and legs for greater bone strength. This adjustment also helps create a vertical body all the way to the head.
Hips Over Heels
To develop better balance and a better walking gait, one aspect of alignment to practice is standing with the hips over the heels. For numerous reasons (such as tight/shortened hamstrings, tight/shortened hip flexors & quads, excessive upper spine curvature (hyperkyphosis), and weakened hip muscles to name a few) many of us have adopted a stance where our hips "fall" or hang forward of the ankles. This leaning forward causes excessive foot tension and an overuse of the front side of the legs. To correct many of these issues, simply develop the habit of standing with the hips resting vertically over the ankles or heels. You may feel like you will fall backward or that you have to fold your upper half forward to balance at first. This is simply due to the backside of the legs not having the coordination and strength to hold you up. Over time, this strength will develop and will help you find balance, better posture and a more robust use of the posterior chain of the legs. While walking: Start in neutral stance with hips back over the heels and then take a walk. Every once in a while, stop and check if your hips are thrusting forward and if you can center the hips over the heels.
Feet Straight
Walking with the feet pointing straight ahead will help with the health of the bones of the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back all the way up the body. Many of us have developed a turn out of the foot which can bypass using the calf muscles and affect the function of the hips as well as cause deterioration of all the joints up the body. A neutral alignment of the feet is when the outer edges of the feet point forward and create parallel lines to each other. This may seem very pigeon-toed to many people, but over time your feet and toes will adjust and it will seem natural. However, our joints have adapted to a certain way of walking over a lifetime and to force yourself to walk with neutral feet may put strain on your joints if you try to do it perfectly right away. Instead, while walking, just think of your feet as turning slightly inward or your heels as pushing slightly outward to progress toward neutral over time. Then while standing, practice finding a fully straight forward, neutral foot.
Vertical Legs & Relaxed Quads
In order to get the muscles of the hip to drive our walking gait, we need to practice making our legs vertical and relaxing the quadriceps. We started this with getting our ankles at pelvis width apart and shifting our hips back over the heels, but now let's see if we can straighten the knees. We may have been taught to always keep some flexion in the knees to absorb shock while walking. But with a posterior driven gait, we are aiming to reduce if not eliminate any falling phase of the gait cycle and therefore we won't have to worry about absorbing the shock from falling onto the next foot. Also, when the knee stays in flexion, it overuses the quad, compresses the knee joint causing wear and tear over time, and inhibits the hip and butt muscles from doing their job. Test to see if you can straighten the knees and relax the quads: start by hinging forward at the hip and shifting your weight backwards with knees straight. This puts you in a position to take some of the weight off the leg directly. Then see if you can flex and release the quads. Look for the ability to lift and lower the knee caps. Then gradually bring your body upright testing the quads along the way until you can stand vertically with legs straight and quadriceps relaxed. Then take a walk, and just think about walking with the legs a little straighter than you're used to. Every once in a while, pause and check out if you can relax the quads dropping the kneecaps down.
Hip List: 1st Explanation & Exercise
An important phase in the walking gait is balance: where all your weight is on one foot and leg. In order to avoid falling onto the next leg, we need to develop an awareness of and ability to stabilize the hip. You can start by noticing how you get one leg off the ground: do you shorten the unweighted leg by bending at the the knee and hips? Do you lean to the side to unweight the leg and lift it up? Do you shift your pelvis over onto the standing leg so the other leg can rise? Also, if you stand on one leg do you notice the lifted side's hip drops lower? All these indicate we're not using the lateral hip muscles effectively to stability the balancing leg. The Hip List is the name of the part of the walking gait where you push through the standing leg into the ground to pull the standing leg's hip downward which in turn pulls the unweighted side off the ground. It's a very active action for balance. Practice with a hand on your hip and use the leg muscles to pull that side of the hip downward and watch the other side lift off the ground. Practice this wherever you are standing for a while: waiting in line is perfect for this. While Walking: start with a hip list, then walk for a while, then pause and see if you can balance on one leg, then continue walking. Repeat as often as you like until you get a notion that standing on one leg is actively balancing and not about letting the other hip drop.
Silly Walks
Even small changes in our motor programs may feel drastic and so when we're working on changing our normal gait toward a healthier way of walking, we may feel a little silly and embarrassed. Here's a few thoughts on how to shift your perspective.
Hip List: Quads Relaxed
After walking and practicing the hip list for a while, add in the awareness of your "Vertical Leg with Quads Relaxed". Make sure you're weight isn't falling forward toward the toes while Hip Listing and notice if you can lift and lower your kneecaps. Then allow the kneecaps to drop and relax. While Walking: Walk and pause, hip list to stand on one leg, and notice if the quads are released. Then continue on.
Hip List: Shifting Weight
Once you've practiced Hip Listing and balancing for a while, notice where your weight is on your feet. Pay attention if your weight has shifted forward and your quadriceps tighten and try to shift your weight back onto the heels. While Walking: Pause in a hip list every once in a while and see if you can actively control where your weight shifts on your feet. Practice shifting your weight from the ball of the foot back to the heels and vice versa. Then continue on your walk.
Your Backside Creates Strong and Steady Balance
Engaging the backside of your legs will strengthen your stance, improve your balance and begin to develop your posterior driven gait.
List on a Curb
The hip list skill is not only to get one leg up but also to lower the foot back down. This is an important phase of the movement to learn how to decrease your impact with each walking step. A great place to practice this eccentric phase (the downward motion) of the hip list is on a curb.
Monster Walk
The Monster Walk is another way to develop your abductor muscles of the leg and gain control of your hip list. Walk sideways! It's a silly walk for sure - but very effective.
Drag Your Foot Back
without lifitng your heel from the ground, drag a foot back to assess your ankle flexion and hip extension in your walk. practice walking with your back heel staying on the ground.
The Balancing Leg Drives You Forward
Using the standing leg to pull back drives your body forward and with the hip list we've practiced, we can swing the next leg forward and softly lower the heel to the ground.
The Calf Stretch
The calf stretch is one of the most important activities you can do to improve your walking gait. It affects the dorsiflexion of the ankle, and can have an effect on the whole body!
Calf Stretch Uphill
A natural way to get a calf stretch is to keep your back heel on the ground as you walk uphill.
Neutral Pelvis
Finding a neutral pelvis will help us identify if we compensate for tight hip flexors. We may be outsourcing the movement that should be in the hip joint and overusing the extension or rotation of the spine instead. while walking, our pelvis should remain relatively stable (not tilting anteriorly/posteriorly, nor rotating) and our hip should have the mobility to extend the leg behind us. One way to encourage this motion is through the practice of a simple lunge. and another way is to keep your hands on your pelvis to feel how it gets pulled around or how stable it is while walking.
Drop Your Ribcage
Relax your ribcage down so that the front of the lower ribs line up vertically over the front outer edge of the pelvis (ASIS). The tendency to lift the chest up and thrust the lower ribs forward (also know as rotating your ribcage backwards) comes from multiple causes. One cause is a cultural teaching that "chest up" is good posture. Another cause is the chronic shortening of the Psoas muscle. However, learning to relax the ribs down will decrease the tension in your lower back, increase the stability of your core, and allow for a more stable torso for walking as your legs extend behind you.
Legs Pull Back and Swing Forward
When you start a pendulum swinging, you pull it in one direction and let it go to swing the other way. Our legs can be thought of as swinging in this way from the hip. But the direction we pull the leg matters. We don't necessarily want to actively pull our legs forward, but rather the action is on pulling the leg backwards and then the forward swing is a passive "release". This way we're using more of the posterior chain of the legs. To get a feel for this, hip list to raise one leg from the ground and keeping a neutral pelvis, pull the lifted leg backwards. You may feel your butt muscles and hamstrings engage. Then relax that tension and see if you can allow your leg to passively swing forward. Make a game of it. Stand on one leg and pull the lifted leg back, release it forward and set it down to take the next step. Of course, when walking normally, the pulling back phase happens when your foot is on the ground, but this is a nice exercise to get the sensation of when to engage the muscles and when to relax.
Top of the Foot Stretch
This move helps mobilize the joints of the feet breaking up the tension that may have built up from casting your feet in stiff shoes. Mobile feet will allow us to walk with our feet forward more easily and will also help us with our balance and ability to adjust our gait to the ground over which we walk.