Vary Your Terrain

Aside from conventional shoes, another way our bodies are "casted" to move less is by walking consistently on flat and level ground (sidewalks, cement, the floors in buildings). To add more movement into your body and to increase your balance and stability, find ways to walk off the beaten path and look for variety in terrain. Even stepping from a sidewalk onto the grass is a good addition to the input you are giving your body. Plus, looking for side paths adds more adventure to your walk!

Aside from conventional shoes, another way our bodies are "casted" to move less is by walking consistently on flat and level ground (sidewalks, cement, the floors in buildings). To add more movement into your body and to increase your balance and stability, find ways to walk off the beaten path and look for variety in terrain. Even stepping from a sidewalk onto the grass is a good addition to the input you are giving your body. Plus, looking for side paths adds more adventure to your walk!

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