Walking and Treadmills

Part one: To Tread or Not to Tread on the Treadmill

Are treadmills equivalent to regular walking?

Not really...

In regular walking, the action of the standing leg driving backwards is what propels our bodies forward; whereas, on a treadmill, the ground is moving backwards already. Therefore, on a treadmill, the muscles in the back of the leg don't really have to do much work and what ends up happening is the hip flexors take over to reach the leg forward so that you keep up with the motion of the tread. In other words, you end up exercising the opposite muscles and motor programs than would be intended for a posterior driven walking gait.

The metaphor of food nutrition being akin to movement works well here:

There are healthy, whole foods, and there are processed junk foods. If you are in a situation where you are essentially starving, any food you can get will help. You just need the calories to survive. Just know that a junk food diet is not providing you with all the nutrients to be optimally healthy like a whole foods diet would provide. The same is true with movement and exercise: There are some exercises and types of equipment for exercise that are like junk food in that they are better than not moving at all, but they are not providing all the benefits of a natural movement lifestyle. So, the use of a treadmill is fine if the alternative is not moving. However, you'll get more whole body benefits from choosing to walk naturally outside.

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Part Two: Making the Most of Your Treadmilling Time

If you are going to use a treadmill, pay attention to your balance and form to make the most of your movement session:

  • If possible, don't hold onto the handles and you'll get more arm movement, balance work, and core support.

  • Walk with feet hip width apart

  • Keep feet pointing forward

  • Try standing on a straight & vertical leg

  • Practice the hip list

  • Practice the arms and legs pulling backwards and swinging forward

  • Check that your ribs are down

  • Ramp your head

  • Let your big toes extend

  • Land softly with each step. Play with walking with quiet footfalls.

Knowing that walking on treadmills is not the same as walking on natural ground, you can still take advantage of this time to mindfully walk with better form.

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