Quad Stretch

Having your thighs in a chair seated position for long periods of time can also lead to excessive quadricep tension (front of the thigh muscles), specifically the Rectus Femoris muscle which is one of the hip flexors. Too much tension there can:

  • Impede your ability to stand up straight with a vertical pelvis which may affect your lower back

  • Keep your quadriceps from relaxing while standing which may lead to more knee pain

A simple quadricep stretch, also known as the runner’s stretch, can help return the quadriceps to a more relaxed and elongated position.

  • Stand on one leg

  • Bend the floating leg’s knee and grab the ankle.

  • Use support from a wall or the vehicle to help you balance if needed.

Here’s some guidance to a more effective stretch:

  • Hold the ankle, not the foot

  • Watch for the tendency to move your thigh to the side or forward and return the stretching thigh toward pointing straight down, parallel to the other leg.

  • Take time with this, hold for as long as you can, up to a minute.

Audio Version


Shoulder Stretch


Side Hanging