Side Hanging

A whole category of movement to develop better strength, stability, and range of motion in the upper body is hanging from your arms. Hanging is also a good way to offset the collapse of the upper spine that can accompany so much sitting. Your don’t need to hang vertically taking all your body weight into your arms. Side hanging is just as good and it allows you to modify how much weight you require the arms to hold. All you need is a pole, a tree, doorway, or even a car door.

  • Simply hold onto the pole or doorway and lean away letting your arm hold you.

  • Facing sideways to the pole or doorway will help open up the chest and shoulder.

  • To increase how much weight your arm is carrying, step your feet closer to the doorway/pole so your body is at a greater angle to the ground. To decrease how much weight your arm is carrying, simply bring more weight into your feet by standing vertically.

  • To work more of the chest and shoulder muscles, add variations by leaning your hips away and toward the doorway/pole and also rotating your body away and toward the doorway/pole.

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