The Course Patrick Hogan The Course Patrick Hogan

Let's Begin

In this series, I'd like to illustrate what the chair (both in and out of the vehicle) is doing to our body to pull us out of alignment which might be the source of our aches and pains. Then, we'll explore ways to modify how we sit as well as practice exercises to re-align our body.

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The Course, Full Classes Patrick Hogan The Course, Full Classes Patrick Hogan

Neutral Spine

Because it can be difficult to visualize what is happening inside the vehicle, in this short class, I use a flat chair/stool to demonstrate the movement of the three main sections of the spine and how they align to a neutral position. This is something you can practice from any chair.

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Inside the Vehicle, The Course Patrick Hogan Inside the Vehicle, The Course Patrick Hogan


Let’s explore twisting: How to twist well for a healthy back, some tips to incorporate twists while driving, and noticing whether we are habitually twisting creating imbalances, or whether we do so with with intention to relieve tension and to increase spinal health.

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The Course, Outside the Vehicle Patrick Hogan The Course, Outside the Vehicle Patrick Hogan

Calf Stretch

When we sit a lot, the bend of our knee is keeping the calf muscles in a shortened position. This chronic shortening results in the inability to fully flex the ankle and results in compensation patterns in how we walk and stand which then can cause strain in our knees, lower back, and even the neck.

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