Aligned Life Coaching

How we move can have a big impact on how we experience life. Also, how we experience life (through our thoughts, beliefs, lifestyle, and habits) can have a big impact on how we move.

Because movement and life are so intertwined, I have begun the journey of becoming a life coach in addition to being a movement coach.

“What’s life coaching all about?”, You may ask…. Read on for my thoughts on what it is and why it can help. And feel free to ask any questions or sign up for a session!


I am currently progressing through
The Wayfinder Life Coaching Program
by Martha Beck

As part of my educational journey I need to complete numerous practice hours of coaching.
As such, I am currently offering Life Coaching sessions at a deeply discounted price.
Just note that as my experience and certification process progress, the price will adjust to a market value.
Thanks for your understanding, your participation,
sign up for a session now!


The Life Coaching Journey

As you navigate through life, you may sometimes find yourself lost and struggling to find the right path. 

At this point, you may wish to seek assistance. 


Waves of change are flooding today’s world, however, and the old roads to success and fulfillment seem to be washing away under our feet.

Where do you look for guidance? 

We all have a “North Star” - a guiding desire that carries a sense of purpose. You may know it as your “Inner Compass” or “Your True Nature”.

Unfortunately, True Natures are often at odds with the conformist culture.
Ingrained conditioning, beliefs, and habits may be blinding you and leading you away from the life you intend to have. 

As a coach,
I can bring an outside perspective to simply help you see through your present circumstances and align with the direction you intend to go. 

Through active listening, questioning, and guidance on how to attune to the intelligent signals from your body, I believe you can ride the waves of change while navigating toward your right life.

As your heart, mind, and body begin speaking together, you will find the integrity to be In Aligned Movement for each step on your unique path. 


What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone feeling stuck in areas of their life

  • Anyone yearning to handle change more effectively

  • Anyone desiring to let go of troubles and suffering in order to find more joy and peace

  • Anyone struggling to make upcoming difficult decisions

  • Anyone longing to be healthier in their body

  • Anyone wishing to move better both in body and life

How is it done?

A session may consist of:

  • Having a conversation to define or refine the objective for working together.

  • Working together to define what you need to address or resolve in order to achieve what you want to accomplish.

  • Exploring tools that help evoke and integrate new awarenesses, insight, or learning into your worldview and behaviors.

  • Partnering in developing a plan to move forward.

  • Identifying action steps, habits, and practices that can be taken given the new possibilities and perspectives we may have uncovered.

What is the difference between Life Coaching and Therapy?

Some aspects of therapy and coaching overlap, however it’s helpful to think of the relationship between the two as similar to the relationship between a doctor and a personal trainer:

Doctors have extensive education, training and practice that makes them qualified to assist those with sickness, disease, and injury to make them well. Whereas a personal trainer can both help someone get out of dysfunctional movement patterns into better ones so that they avoid injury as well as guiding and working as a support system to help that person achieve their goals for physical health.

Likewise, a therapist also has extensive education, training and practice that qualify them to assist those with forms of mental dysfunction. Whereas a life coach works with those who are already in a relative state of wellness with the intention of helping to optimize their life experience. This may include processes such as shifting dysfunctional thought patterns, uncovering limiting beliefs, and finding a clearer vision for the future as well as developing a plan of actionable steps toward greater fulfillment.

In short, Doctors and Therapists are equipped to bring someone back from dysfunction and sickness toward wellness, and trainers and coaches are equipped to guide people from relative wellness toward greater potential.

Just as, in some cases, you could work together with both your doctor and personal trainer, it is also possible to work with both a mental health professional as well as a life coach.

Rest assured, if you are uncertain from whom you should be seeking help, or if I feel you may be better assisted by another type of coach or mental health professional, I would be happy to help refer you to someone who can meet your needs.

How are Movement Coaching and Life Coaching Related?

In the pursuit of greater fulfillment in life, movement coaching and life coaching can be closely intertwined:

Our cultural conditioning, lifestyle, habits, beliefs and thought processes can all affect how we move in our body- those may be addressed through life coaching. Conversely, how we are moving in our body may be affecting our thoughts, feelings and beliefs about both ourselves and the world, as well as influencing our lifestyle, habits and whether or not we move toward achieving our goals. In this case, movement coaching can help guide you in a better direction.

Also, movement itself helps people feel more energy and enthusiasm which in turn may inspire positive decisions and actions toward greater fulfillment in life.

If moving in your body is causing pain, frustration, and suffering, we may use a combination of both life coaching and movement coaching.

Through Life coaching we will:

  • Reevaluate how you approach movement

  • Explore what ways of moving actually bring you joy

  • Dissolve limiting beliefs on what movement & exercise “should” be

  • Assess if shifts in lifestyle habits and your everyday environment could lead to better movement and quality of life.

  • Find ways to decrease stress in your life and increase the relaxation response (High levels of sympathetic arousal can actually make you more prone to feeling pain. As stress decreases and the parasympathetic nervous system takes over, you may find your pain subsides and moving becomes more enjoyable.).

Through Movement coaching we will:

  • Assess your alignment and determine where you are overusing or underusing parts of your body so that we can develop a program to bring a better balance of overall use and muscle activity which will decrease the wear and tear on the parts of you that are currently experiencing pain.

  • Develop a movement lifestyle that helps you move better and move more.

In both Movement and Life coaching my intention is to help you to let go of troubles and suffering in order to uncover more joy, peace, and enthusiasm for what you wish to be and do in life.

One difference between Movement and Life coaching is that with movement coaching, I will offer my expertise and experience in principles of the body to educate you on how to move better and live better in movement; and with life coaching the process is focused on bringing forth your own knowing as the expert on your life.


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