Before You Ask "What's Next?" Remember these practices... (Stage 4 of the Change Cycle)
Many of us are so conditioned to the stress and striving and vigilant nature of working toward a goal, that we don’t know what to do with it when we get there. The tendency might be to doubt our accomplishments or to jump right ahead to “What’s Next?”- which leads us to feel empty and directionless.
So, even though you’ve reached the promised land, as it were, you may need a little practice at being in this phase.
Here’s a couple practices to remember:
When It's "One Damn Thing After Another" Here's what to do...
…you have a vision of where you’d like to go, and you have even developed a plan for getting there… Then, seemingly from the outset of your journey, as Winston Churchill would say “It’s just one damn thing after another.”
Realizing you’ve entered Phase Three of the Change Cycle can be a useful shift in perspective to keep you going.
When Your Body is Asking for Change...
The body loves variety and thrives when we use it to explore new ways of moving and playing.
The problem comes when we either ignore or resist these signals to shift what we’re doing…
Before Charging Ahead, Take Some Time to Dream...
It is a time to follow the urge to experiment and try new things but don’t rush the full-time commitment just yet…
When the Only Way Forward is Through...
when change feels cataclysmic, it sends our nervous system into overdrive - into a flight, fight, freeze or fawn state - in which it’s nearly impossible to see a clear path forward.
So how do we ride this wave of change when it feels so big and dangerous?
Does Change Have to be Cataclysmic?
Does a Catalytic event need to be Cataclysmic?!
When something comes along that inspires or pushes you to change, how do we ride this wave the best?
When Resistance Causes Suffering... (Phase one of the Change Cycle)
As soon as we can acknowledge change is happening, we’re in stage one of the change cycle…
Stage one calls us to look inward - it’s a time to go into a cocoon, or like a tree shedding it’s leaves going into Fall it's a time to acknowledge what we're leaving behind.
The Process of Navigating Change
The thing that seems most true for our times is that change is constant. From the advances in technology, to shifting political landscapes, to how our jobs are performed, to the climate of the earth… It can be really disorienting to figure out how to navigate in a constantly changing world.
Get rid of the pain! Vs. The Willingness to Feel
Are we Running from Pain and consequently running away from the life we want?…
Success - a moment in time or a way of living?
Have you ever felt bad about not following through on your health goals?
It’s one of the most common experiences when we resolve to make a change. (Remember your new year’s resolutions?? ) You take a step forward, then slide right back to where you started.
What happens next?
Why Air fresheners really irk me... also shoes...
What is normal blinds us to what is natural?
How do you take off these blinders?
I messed up... (listening to the body's signals)
I messed up. I fell while skiing, twisted my knee, and felt a pop…
What this incident revealed to me is my tendency to choose anxiety and stress over peaceful and relaxed….
Evolving Toward a New Way..
So, my mission with “In Aligned Movement” has grown to be: helping people root into their essential selves, and using that as a compass to develop both healthier bodies and joy enhancing ways of living.
Overall, my hope is if we develop the movement rich lifestyles that bolster our true natures on the individual level, we will also foster a new culture that is supportive and protective of the Earth as a whole…
A Birthday Hike - Values and Metaphors …
I had a birthday last week! My recent tradition I started a few years back is taking a longer hike on my own for my birthday. Here’s why I love hiking: It’s an activity that touches on many of my values at once and also provides opportunities to gain insights about myself…
Contending with the Warrior (Part 4)
"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Notice with the actions you take, are you being kind to your body?
How Stable are You?
Stability is the ability to remain still or in control despite contervailing forces. But in reality, nothing is ever perfectly still or in control…
Contending with the Warrior (Part 3)
This is Part 3 to a series where I am exploring the relationships between language, culture, and individual identity. In Particular, I am pondering how the inherent violence contained in many of the words of our language is shaping how we interact with the world, and I am considering how to find another way…
Today I would like to explore how to take a deeper look inside our own programming in order to change the course of our individual lives…
Contending with the Warrior (Part 2)
This is Part 2 to a series where I am exploring the relationships between language, culture, and individual identity. In Particular, I am pondering how the inherent violence contained in many of the words of our language is shaping how we interact with the world, and I am considering how to find another way…
Should I Go Back?
Every adventure needs a moment when you start to think - “Maybe I should go back... Oh no, maybe I made the wrong choice.”
Integration: Reflections on the Farm to Movement Experience
A larger part of my message is to figure out how movement is part of the daily habits, activities, and events that make up the majority of our lives.