In Aligned Movement

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Guiding Principles

A lign Bravely,
T o Move Freely
A nd Live Fully
I n Your True
N ature

A lign Bravely

To align is to realize how the parts of yourself relate to one another. This applies to the physical parts of your body as well as to the mind, desires, and essential self. As you align, you may feel the calling to be brave. Evolving toward  deeper integrity may conflict with what you have previously known from culture and believed about yourself. 

T o Move Freely 

As you bravely align, you may discover that you let go of suffering and experience less pain.  You may once again experience moving freely- both in your body and through your life.

A nd Live Fully 

With this freedom you may find yourself engaging with life more fully - seeking, experiencing and expressing more joy. 

I n Your True 
N ature

Until one day, you feel at home with yourself - living the life you intended- as dreamed by the pure core of your being.