Getting to Know the Alignment Points


This course is intended to get you moving with an understanding of your skeletal alignment. The Alignment Points help you to become aware how the parts of your body are in relationship to each other as well as to gravity. That awareness will help you recognize where you may have developed habits of overusing some parts of you while underusing others, and how you can restore balance to your body so that you can move more freely, more efficiently, and without pain.

How to use the Course:

  • Refer to the gallery below and download the pdf to get an overview of the major alignment points as well as the cues often suggested for adjusting common habits toward better alignment.

  • Watch and practice along with the videos to learn the fundamental corrective exercises that help bring better balance to the whole body.

  • For further guidance, schedule a 1:1 private coaching session!
    Having purchased this program, you’ll receive 20% off a private session.
    Just use the code: studentofthe-ap
    Schedule your 1:1 Wayfinder Coaching Session

Alignment Diagrams

The Classes