Don’t miss this episode with Patrick Hogan where we get into what is natural movement and why it is so important for our health and well-being.
A conversation with Marie-Claude Lacerte on her podcast, Radio Renard, about sleep positions, floor sleeping, and getting more movement while at home.
Movement instructor, Nathan Amado had me on his group, Master Your Movement for Jiu Jitsu, for a Facebook Live conversation about Natural Movement, Alignment, and getting more movement in your home in preparation for my instagram challenge: Aligned Home Movement (#alignedhomemovement).
This is an article from an interview I did with Allie Volpe on Elemental, Medium’s Health and Wellness publication about Functional Fitness and Natural Movement. On why I train this way and and how it’s the next step in our fitness evolution.
Check out and subscribe to the In Aligned Movement Youtube Channel to get movement, lifestyle, and life coaching tips!
Patrick starts with a confession that he's Not a Warrior. He questions the use of war on drugs, war on sickness, waging war within ourselves. Even Love Warrior has this undertone of fighting.
What if we can take the tar, or judgments, out of our words? Because the words we use matter.