Moving Forward

Thanks for participating in A Driver’s Guide to Movement Health. I hope that with the awareness practice of the material presented in this series, your time spent in the vehicle will not impede your ability to move well in the rest of your life. If you wish to go deeper into the experience of natural movement and alignment principles for moving more freely, check out some of the other offerings on my website that include:

  • A membership to a library of virtual classes

  • More E-courses like this one on various topics for moving well

  • Live streaming zoom classes

  • In person workshops and events

If you are looking for a more personalized approach, consider booking an initial consultation where we can meet and discuss how we can best work together.

And, of course, feel free to send me an email with any questions.

Audio Version

How was your experience?

I’m always striving to make these offerings more effective. Please consider answering a couple questions about your experience with this course and if your feel inspired, leave a testimonial!

Moving Forward:


I wish you all the best!



The Driver's Guide Restorative Flow