Why Air fresheners really irk me... also shoes...

Air Fresheners drive me bonkers.

They’re terrible and I don’t understand how people like them. In fact, I actually have a visceral reaction to them that makes me angry.


They’re just fake smells produced by toxic chemicals that are in some way poisoning our systems. But they’re marketed to us as normal, benign, necessary, and good. And that is at the heart of much of the world we live in - where businesses convince us we need and want something that is unnecessary and potentially toxic.

How is it that these air fresheners are liked by anyone at all?

My hypothesis is that we are inundated by so many manufactured smells, that we grow numb to them. We adapt and assume those smells are normal. We forget what is pure, clean and natural and we even become skeptical of those things that are healthy for us.

For me, once I began to orient toward healthier living and I learned how those fake smells could have a negative effect on my body, they no longer smelled good. And as I developed a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, the true smells of nature - pine, mint, ocean air, even dirt - all took on a new attraction for me whereas anything fake and chemical now repulses me.

This is the key (IMO) toward healthier, happier living: As you take in less of the toxic thing, your body and mind cleanse, and then your natural senses awaken. You find yourself drawn toward what makes you healthier and happier and repulsed by everything else. Once given a chance, the body knows which way to go.

The problem is so much toxicity is considered normal in our culture that we don’t even realize there is another way.

What is normal blinds us to what is natural? 

How do you take off these blinders?

Sometimes just getting curious about everything you interact with in a day is enough to start… Sometimes, it’s helpful to work with a coach!

Consultation to move freely and live fully (hint, hint)

It’s how fast food numbs our inner guidance to eat healthy foods

It’s how convenience numbs our inner guidance to move our bodies

It’s how cultural expectations of how we should work blinds us to other possibilities for fulfilling our dreams.

Here’s a big one - it’s how conventional shoes are harming your feet while also thought of as necessary and helpful. Just like the air fresheners, they smell good (well...maybe the shoes don’t smell good) or they feel good but only when you are already numb to what is natural. Once you’ve liberated your feet, then you can no longer stand putting them back into those harsh cages.


If you’re yearning to take off the blinders, and work toward cleansing from toxic normalcy toward your healthy true nature, consider signing up for a free consultation!


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