When Your Body is Asking for Change...
The body loves variety and thrives when we use it to explore new ways of moving and playing.
The problem comes when we either ignore or resist these signals to shift what we’re doing…
When the Only Way Forward is Through...
when change feels cataclysmic, it sends our nervous system into overdrive - into a flight, fight, freeze or fawn state - in which it’s nearly impossible to see a clear path forward.
So how do we ride this wave of change when it feels so big and dangerous?
Does Change Have to be Cataclysmic?
Does a Catalytic event need to be Cataclysmic?!
When something comes along that inspires or pushes you to change, how do we ride this wave the best?
Get rid of the pain! Vs. The Willingness to Feel
Are we Running from Pain and consequently running away from the life we want?…
Why Air fresheners really irk me... also shoes...
What is normal blinds us to what is natural?
How do you take off these blinders?
Movement Snack Recipes
Movement Snacks are an intentional change in position and movement to break up the sedentary parts of our day…
Strategies for Building a Movement Rich Lifestyle
Aside from scheduling more time for exercise, how do we actually get to moving more?
Three strategies I like to use are:
Activity Stacking
Movement Makeovers
Movement Snacks