
life coaching, Alignment, Philosophy, change cycle Patrick Hogan life coaching, Alignment, Philosophy, change cycle Patrick Hogan

Before You Ask "What's Next?" Remember these practices... (Stage 4 of the Change Cycle)

Many of us are so conditioned to the stress and striving and vigilant nature of working toward a goal, that we don’t know what to do with it when we get there. The tendency might be to doubt our accomplishments or to jump right ahead to “What’s Next?”- which leads us to feel empty and directionless. 

So, even though you’ve reached the promised land, as it were, you may need a little practice at being in this phase.

Here’s a couple practices to remember: 

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change cycle, Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan change cycle, Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan

When It's "One Damn Thing After Another" Here's what to do...

…you have a vision of where you’d like to go, and you have even developed a plan for getting there… Then, seemingly from the outset of your journey, as Winston Churchill would say “It’s just one damn thing after another.”

Realizing you’ve entered Phase Three of the Change Cycle can be a useful shift in perspective to keep you going.

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Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan Philosophy, life coaching Patrick Hogan

Contending with the Warrior (Part 4)

     "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Notice with the actions you take, are you being kind to your body?

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Philosophy, life coaching, Alignment Patrick Hogan Philosophy, life coaching, Alignment Patrick Hogan

Contending with the Warrior (Part 3)

This is Part 3 to a series where I am exploring the relationships between language, culture, and individual identity. In Particular, I am pondering how the inherent violence contained in many of the words of our language is shaping how we interact with the world, and I am considering how to find another way…

Today I would like to explore how to take a deeper look inside our own programming in order to change the course of our individual lives…

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Show Up Anyway

Sometimes it's cold and raining and it's so easy to give in to the inertia justifying "the conditions aren't right. Not today. I'll do it later." But most often, if I show up anyway, I find that even the cold and rain and ice are magical experiences. ⁠

It's not the external conditions that matter (most often) but the internal experience that guides the outcome…

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adventure, life coaching, Philosophy, Movement Patrick Hogan adventure, life coaching, Philosophy, Movement Patrick Hogan

What's your limit? Intentions and boundaries in the cold and beyond

I’m a little embarrassed to say this… but I pushed too far… Twice.
I gave myself frostbite. A mild case. You may call it “frost nip”. I don’t even think I knew I did it at the time, but a week or two later, the skin peeled off a few of my toes…
How did this happen?
What are the limits?
What I know for sure…
and the process for action that I’m currently developing…

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