The Torso Moves Your Breath - "Unkink your Tube"
This is a variation on another class in the library called "Move Your Tube". Developing awareness on how bends and "kinks" in our torso can affect our breathing. Moving our ribs and the parts that connect to our torso for better health overall and also for a freer breath.
Move Your Breath
An exploration of many of the parts that affect your breathing. Noticing how certain habits and tension in the body can stop us from breathing fully. Learning how to release the diaphragm, use torsional rib breathing, and stretch the arm muscles that can pull on the rib cage. Lots of relaxing deep breaths in this class!
Rotate, Twist, Balance
Let's play with how mobilizing the parts from our trunk to our feet can help with balance. When feet turn out, thighs rotate in, and the trunk gets too stiff, it's easy to be pulled off balance. We'll work on finding neutral alignment and stabilizing our body from there.
Balance All Around
Equipment: chair, block, half dome, strap, tennis ball (optional). The ability to balance can be affected by overly tense (or shortened) areas of your body. This class is an exploration of stretching and mobilizing your feet, shins, thighs, hips and then learning how to stabilize your balance.
Exercise in Your Sleep
This class is an exploration of instinctual resting postures as illustrated by a physiotherapist, Michael Tetley. The premise is that our modern life lacks the pressure deforming movements that would occur if we lived in nature without the modern conveniences of soft, cushy couches and beds. The movements caused by putting pressure on our bodies, which is the same reason we get massage, can help relieve tension, increase lymph movement, and even reset our spines. Here we'll explore some of those instinctual resting postures and add some stretch and restorative exercise to them in a sequence of movement flow
Spine and Hips: Together and Separate
Immobility and tension in the hips can pull on the spine whenever you need to move on the legs thereby putting unnecessary wear and tear on the spine. AND not knowing how to keep the hips stable when the spine needs to move can keep the tissues of the trunk stiff and unmoved. So in this class we look at the difference of moving the spine and hips both together and separately. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Block (or book or blanket) and a strap.
Prepare to Lay Down
The habitual positioning of our body (mainly chairs) and the shortening of the muscle lengths that result from it can lead to strain and tension in certain areas when we do the simplest action of laying down on the ground. It's why people often report neck and back pain while laying down. In this class we'll look at how to realign our posture and how to iron out all those kinks so that we can elongate to our fullest length while laying down.
Move your Tube
Exploring breath mechanics and how our alignment and positioning of the body may be restricting the free flow of not only air but all the fluids through the torso. Then we'll look at how to align, stabilize, and mobilize the tissues of the trunk.
Shoulder Mobility Play
Resistance to movement in small parts of the body (ie: the fingers) have an effect on the larger motions. We can observe how hand tension can result in neck tension and vice versa and also how tension in one area can cause us to compensate and use other parts of the body differently. In this case we'll play a game for shoulder mobility, and then we'll work on getting more movement in all the parts of the chain from the fingers to the neck.
RE-shaping Downward Dog
A look at how alignment can help us move more of our body in our physical activities. This class will focus on the common yoga pose, downward dog. We'll see how limitations in our ranges of motion are causing us to avoid moving certain joints and how using alignment markers can help us get more movement and strength overall.