Contending with the Warrior (Part 4)

     "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Notice with the actions you take, are you being kind to your body?

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Contending with the Warrior (Part 3)

This is Part 3 to a series where I am exploring the relationships between language, culture, and individual identity. In Particular, I am pondering how the inherent violence contained in many of the words of our language is shaping how we interact with the world, and I am considering how to find another way…

Today I would like to explore how to take a deeper look inside our own programming in order to change the course of our individual lives…

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Contending with the Warrior (Part 1)

“I am NOT a warrior.” What does that mean? Why does it matter? And if I’m not that, then what do I consider myself to be? The words we use reflect our values which guide our intentions and priorities.

In the course of the next couple posts, I’d like to address why language matters for defining the direction of our lives and how we may take the seemingly smallest steps within ourselves to better our health and wellbeing as well as redirect the path our culture is currently taking.

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Patrick Hogan Comment
The Crystal Throne

…I thought, “I bet there’s more of that underneath the ground. I bet this whole thing is connected.”…

I’m refining my thoughts about the process I went through creating The Crystal Throne as an example of the general process for manifesting our visions in life…

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Patrick HoganComment
The Shaping Force…

“Geography as a shaping force…” The landscape and environment in which we live shape how we think about and relate to the world. They also shape our bodies by asserting forces that affect how we move through the world. Think of the differences between New York City and a farm for example (I’m hosting movement events in b

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Patrick HoganComment
Breaking Through the Ice (Is this stupid or fun?)

Back in the morning of a cold, but sunny day in January, I got a crazy idea. I’d seen people do this on the internet (which is a trusted source for wise and safe counsel) and thought, “That looks like fun, I’m sure I can do that.”Sometimes you get an urge to do something followed by a voice in your head that says “Am I going to regret this?”
I’m wondering if there’s a better way to know the answer to that question that’s not totally reliant on hindsight… Let’s continue…

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Show Up Anyway

Sometimes it's cold and raining and it's so easy to give in to the inertia justifying "the conditions aren't right. Not today. I'll do it later." But most often, if I show up anyway, I find that even the cold and rain and ice are magical experiences. ⁠

It's not the external conditions that matter (most often) but the internal experience that guides the outcome…

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What's your limit? Intentions and boundaries in the cold and beyond

I’m a little embarrassed to say this… but I pushed too far… Twice.
I gave myself frostbite. A mild case. You may call it “frost nip”. I don’t even think I knew I did it at the time, but a week or two later, the skin peeled off a few of my toes…
How did this happen?
What are the limits?
What I know for sure…
and the process for action that I’m currently developing…

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