Filtering by: Restorative Exercise

Save Your Knees and Back While Gardening!
10:00 AM10:00

Save Your Knees and Back While Gardening!

Do you love gardening, or want to start gardening, but you’re worried about hurting your knees and back? 

Join Patrick Hogan, a Restorative Exercise Specialist and Natural Movement coach, in a workshop designed to introduce how the activities you love can also be what keep your body healthy and strong just by adopting some simple habits. 

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On and Off the Mat: Tree Pose
6:30 PM18:30

On and Off the Mat: Tree Pose

How can we use awareness of the movement and alignment of our parts to move better both on and off the yoga mat? This Sessions’s focus will be Tree pose: we’ll look deeper into the components and movement habits needed to develop better stability in balance as well as practice moving in ways that help mobilize our hips.

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Walk the West Side (Fall Celebration)
9:00 AM09:00

Walk the West Side (Fall Celebration)

  • American Merchant Mariner’s Memorial (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Let's get together and walk the length of Manhattan along the Hudson River from Battery Park with views of the Statue of Liberty all the way to Inwood Hill Park where Manhattan meets the Harlem River. There we’ll finish with a bite at Inwood Farm Restaurant.

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